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The perfect intelligence of the body is the ultimate power source that never makes a mistake. Your conscious intelligence that you use to run your life isn't perfect, but the intelligence that runs your body is. It responds to every internal situation immediately and perfectly!


Every function and response of your body is directed by this intelligence. Breathing, digestion insulin production, muscle movement, blood pressure, circulation - every function and response. You are in the shape you are right now because your body has responded perfectly under the direction of perfect intelligence to everything you have done, eaten, thought, and felt in the past. You might not be in "perfect health" but the health you are in is a perfect response for survival at this moment.


Body Synchronization, known as Bioenergetic Healing, is an advanced science of trauma release, injury recovery, and physical/emotional health. It is a gentle healing system used to clear the interferences created in the past, addressing the "stressor" and promoting balance in the body. 


- addresses the root cause of symptoms 

- updates the nervous system and reestablishes the full healing potential of the body

- opens communication pathways between the brain and the body

- enhances the flow of energy throughout the entire body

- promotes balance in the body’s nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems

- removes subconscious interference due to unresolved emotions


The human body works on a priority basis. Body Synchronization works with the body to unpack what is in priority to be released for healing. Studies show that everything happening on a physical level is happening on an energetic level first, which means if there is a disturbance in our energy field, we experience symptoms. More specifically, when a system moves out of balance, the body reveals short-circuited neurological patterns as a result of unresolved subconscious emotional issues, affecting all systems required for health and wholeness. Those patterns can be demonstrated as tight muscles, dysfunctional organs or glands, emotional stress, or depression-type reactions. 


Body Synchronization helps to reconnect the circuitry with the brain, releasing conscious and subconscious interference to reestablish the full healing potential of the body and mind.


There’s a powerful life-force energy that’s within and all around you at all times, you just need to activate it.


You can experience the benefits of Body Synchronization in person or remotely.

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